Orange Calcite Crystal
Orange Calcite Crystal
Orange Calcite Crystal
Orange Calcite Crystal

Start & Continue

Orange Calcite Crystal

Sale price$6.00 CAD


Orange Calcite helps align one's thoughts with one's will, assisting in taking action towards goals. It is energizing, encouraging expression of creativity and passion. Orange Calcite is known as a healing stone. It balances emotions, removes fear, and overcomes depression. It helps to dissolve problems standing in the way of achieving our highest potential.


One glance at Orange Calcite and your system seems to shine. Connected to the Sacral Chakra and ever ready to light a fire, Orange Calcite is all about spring cleaning the space you occupy – in and out. This vibrant stone has the positive power to soak up all that bad energy without losing its sunny nature. It helps break old ways of thinking, ever ready instead to replace tired cycles with something fresh and invigorating. 

If you need to be reminded that everything changes and everything passes, then Orange Calcite is a good stone to own. It helps you to constantly evolve in a way that ensures you are reaching your finest potential and not falling into too many life traps. During times of disagreement, Orange Calcite may help you clear away the cobwebs and see things from a different angle. It is also an amazing study aid as it helps your mind focus with clarity and encourages drive and healthy ambition, ensuring you set out on the path to get exactly what you want. 


Submerge your crystal in brown rice for at least 48 hours to rid it of impurities as well as negative energies. If you pass your orange calcite through the smoke of burning white sage you will recharge its positive energies. This will give you the opportunity to absorb more of the negativity in the atmosphere.


I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, cleansed with rainwater and misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).