Crystals for Beginners
Guide for Burning Sage: Origin, Benefits & How-To Smudge 🌬
Sage is one of the most popular herbs for smudging. This aromatic plant has a vivid and long history when it comes to medicine for the body and the mind. The benefits of using sage in smudging or b...
Crystal Healing
Crystal Spheres: Its Origins And How To Use
A popular motif that crops up time and time again in mysticism and the art of divination is the crystal ball. There’s something about this luminous sphere that pulls us to it. Often depicted as a f...
Crystals 101: 12 Crystals for Beginners
Crystals can have the power to change your life. They encourage us to be gentle with ourselves, to practice self-care, and to carry intention with us wherever we go. Gemstones provide a gateway in...