Blue Sage Stick
Blue Sage Stick
Blue Sage Stick

Start & Continue

Blue Sage Stick

Sale price$5.00 USD


Sage is a plant whose scent is revered for its ability to purify, protect and elevate space. With clear intentions established, use a Blue Sage Stick to open the mind up to forgiveness, compromise and other stages of emotional progress.

Burning sage can have a significant impact when used after an argument, after an illness, before and after parties, after an intense workout, prior to meditation, when moving into a new space and during periods of grieving.

We recommend that you store your Blue Sage Stick in a dry, dark place until you are ready to use it.


To cleanse your space, simply light one end of the sage smudge stick and gently spread the scented smoke around your area. This will remove any low vibrations or negative energy that doesn’t serve your highest self.