Creativity Crystal Grid
Creativity Crystal Grid
Creativity Crystal Grid

Start & Continue

Creativity Crystal Grid

Sale price$70.00 USD

As adults it’s so hard to connect to the root of our childhood.

Creativity studies show that a child loses a large portion of their creativity after the age of seven. Those first initial golden years of creativity would come so in-handy as adults to see our projects different, to dream of different ventures, to reinvent an idea or product. But no, the truth is that as adults, creativity becomes overshadow by knowledge. It’s easier to model what has been proven than to create.

Einstein once said: “imagination is more important than knowledge”. Knowledge refers to facts, conditions or principles already known and is thus rooted in the past.

Through knowledge alone there can be repetition only, no creativity. 

Couldn't we all use a boost of creativity? This grid is great if you’re looking to keep focus, boost creativity, manifest goals, take action, increase courage and passion.

In ancient times, carnelian stones were believed to give the wearer courage in battle and to help shy speakers become both eloquent and bold.

This Grid includes:

  • 1 - Center Stone: Clear Quartz (Small, medium or large options)
  • 8 - Carnelian raw or tumbled stones