Lava Stones Spheres
Lava Stones Spheres

Start & Continue

Lava Stones Spheres

Sale price$3.99 USD



The perfect choice for those who want to chase out the storm clouds of uncertainty and get crystal clear in their mind, Lava Stone is known for its ability to dissipate anger, stabilize the root chakra, and for getting you ready to shift into a whole new phase. 

“I am ready to shed old energies.”


Mottled with ancient magic and all the power of the earth's core, we adore the Lava Stone for its rich rebirthing energy. Abundant in minerals and big on healing vibes, the Lava Stone contains both earth and fire energy which keeps you grounded, spirited, and ready to shine. The Lava Stone helps you to burn off those old emotions and to make space for something new. While it rumbles with energy, this stone actually has a hugely calming vibe about it and helps to firm up all those lower chakras so you can stand as solid as a rock.

The Lava Stone is no fickle friend. While other crystals may dazzle and shine, Lava Stone is simple, authentic, and always ready to guide. A stabilizer for your root chakras, this is the base for which all your other chakras can fall into alignment – gifting you the power and wisdom you need to elevate your journey to the next spiritual step.


Lava stones can act as aerial diffusers for essential oils. Just rub high-quality essential oils on organic Lava stones with your finger, cloth, or Q-tip and let it soak and dry before wearing or using them in healing.


I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, cleansed with rainwater and misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).