Rose Quartz Palm Stones
Rose Quartz Palm Stones
Rose Quartz Palm Stones

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Rose Quartz Palm Stones

Sale price$28.99 USD


It’s such a powerful love magnet, the Rose Quartz Palm Stone may as well be a love machine!

It’s all about attracting love, strengthening the love you already have, expressing love, and approaching the world from a place of pure love.

Rose Quartz elevates your energy so that you approach your life from a place of love: how you talk, how you engage in the world, how you treat others, and how you see the beauty around you. Once you emit this pure love, you attract it back to you!



Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love, in all the many forms that may be. The perfect tool to direct loving energy into your spirit, this Rose Quartz Generator radiates pure love with a soft, feminine, nurturing, peaceful and gentle energy.

Rose Quartz is also known as The Heart Stone, it is strongly attached to both the heart chakra and the throat chakra.

This crystal is often used in helping the heart heal from the pain or trauma left from deep emotional wounds. Rose Quartz is also perfect for those who seek more love in their life… and this doesn’t just mean romantic love, it’s also about bringing forth greater self-love and compassion for both yourself and others. 



To bring harmonious and loving energy wherever you go, place your Rose Quartz Palm Stone in your pocket or handbag. The warm, calming, positive energy of Rose Quartz will create a loving, peaceful atmosphere around you.

For connecting even more to the attributes of Rose Quartz, hold the stones in your hand to absorb their nurturing energy. You can also use your Rose Quartz Palm Stone in meditation to enhance your perspective with the energy of love.



I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, cleansed with rainwater and misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).