Tangerine Quartz
Tangerine Quartz

Start & Continue

Tangerine Quartz

Sale price$45.00 USD


One of the most beneficial metaphysical properties of Tangerine Quartz is that it is believed to create better balance between the giving and receiving aspects of your relationships. Whether it is in your relationships with friends, family or a partner, you have to maintain balance between giving and taking time for yourself. When you forget to take that essential “me time,” you begin to feel frustrated and irritable, and that is carried forth into your relationships. Embrace the tangerine quartz meaning and know that you need to take that time to ask yourself, “What do I need?”


Tangerine quartz properties are wonderful for sacral chakra healing and balancing, which is why we often use these crystals in our chakra grid layouts for the second chakra. It is very activating and energizing to the sacral chakra, promoting creativity and sexuality. The tangerine quartz meaning seems to tell you to leave the past in the past. Working with these crystals is said to help you move forward, putting your past behind you to move towards bigger and better things. These orange quartz crystals are also said to help expand your mind to thoughts and ideas that are out of your comfort zone or belief system. Tangerine Quartz clusters are beneficial for emotional balance, helping to level out your emotions to calm your energy to get rid of feelings of panic.


Hold your Tangerine Crystal in your hands and rise at sunrise to plug into its energy. If you miss sunset, feel the renewing, empowering energy of a sunrise while holding your Tangerine Quartz as soon as you wake up. State out loud what you will begin anew: “Today, I start fresh with new thoughts, new attitude, new project, implement new healthy lifestyle, etc". At sunset, stand or sit outside and hold your Tangerine Quartz and reflect on your day. Give yourself a moment to acknowledge 3 things that you did positively today. A little gratitude towards yourself -program this light into your energy.


I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, then before sending to you they are misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).