Black Obsidian Mirror
Black Obsidian Mirror
Black Obsidian Mirror
Black Obsidian Mirror

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Black Obsidian Mirror

Sale price$55.00 USD


Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most mindful of them all? With a Black Obsidian Mirror close at hand, it's probably you.

The Black Obsidian Stone has long been touted for its metaphysical abilities and historically significant uses. This structureless rock is also known as volcanic glass because of its smooth, reflective luster.

In the Stone Age, civilizations around the world used Black Obsidian Stone to create arrowheads, spears, and cutting tools. While still in use as a cutting tool in some modern-day industries, the Black Obsidian Crystal is more useful on a personal level when trying to emotionally purge negative energy.


A Black Obsidian stone is a powerful crystal for protection because it helps clear the buildup of psychic smog within your aura. Acting as a psychic vacuum cleaner, the Black Obsidian Crystal protects and cleanses your aura of negative attachments, old patterns and toxic emotions, which help unearth any destructive thought patterns that are standing in the way of your spiritual growth. Along with protecting and releasing negativity, you can also use a Black Obsidian Stone for root chakra healing and grounding.


Working with a Black Obsidian Stone can assist you in cutting negative patterns from your life by first bringing them to your attention. Use the stone during meditation to bring clarity to your own behaviors. If you often rationalize your actions until you feel justified in doing what you know is wrong, break out of that mental cycle with the Black Obsidian Crystal. As you see what needs to be expelled from your life, Obsidian will reward your self-realization by absorbing that toxic energy. No wonder they call it the stone of truth!


I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, then before sending to you they are misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).