Blue Kyanite
Blue Kyanite
Blue Kyanite

Start & Continue

Blue Kyanite

Sale price$8.00 USD


We all have goals; big or small, we work hard to reach our desired results. But we all also slip up from time to time. Sometimes the only thing that can get you back on track is having a drill sergeant-style wake-up call: all tough love, no mercy. But sometimes we really don’t need the proverbial yelling or a whistle blown in your face. Sometimes we simply need recalibration that isn’t so aggressive; and in fact is actually healing. That’s where Blue Kyanite shines. Its energy gently wants to help you refresh yourself and realign, without veering into judgment territory. It’s more understanding, and sometimes that gentle nudging helps you get right back on track.



Blue Kyanite is an extremely popular crystal that emits high vibrations and a calming energy. It encourages listening to intuitive guidance and living with integrity of purpose. It inspires the examination of all aspects of ourselves to find our soul’s path on Earth.

Blue Kyanite aligns the Chakras to bring tranquility and calming to the whole being. It connects to the throat chakra and enhances communication. When we are able to communicate our truth with the world and feel heard, we are on the path to achieving our fullest potential.

Blue Kyanite supports meditation as it unlocks access to the astral plane and our guides, creating new pathways where none previously existed. It opens the mind, enhances telepathic abilities and provides a link for giving and receiving healing energy.


Due to its meditative and calming nature, Blue Kyanite is a wonderful crystal to keep by your bedside or in a special area of your home. To really absorb its energy, hold the Blue Kyanite blade in your hand and focus on the high vibrations radiating from this powerful crystal.


I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, then before sending to you they are misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).