Jade Roller
Jade Roller

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Jade Roller

Sale price$45.00 USD


Jade has been a symbol of beauty, grace and longevity for thousands of years, and jade rollers have been used in beauty rituals since the 7th century in Ancient China. They are said to reduce puffiness, drain the lymphatic system and increase blood circulation, while connecting you with the harmonious, earth energy of Jade. Its green hues have made jade famous for its anti-aging affects. Its crystalline structure makes the Jade stone a big-time energy conductor, helping to bring fresh and reinvigorated energy to your skin. Keep yourself feeling and looking youthful with the help of a jade roller.


Through awakening a new outlook, jade opens your mind to envision fresh possibilities for life. The wisdom that this stone can bring has been admired since ancient civilizations, and can still lend an insightful energy to your modern-day problems. Through instilling a sense of peace and purity within the mind, jade guides the spirit until it has a clear vision of who you are truly meant to be. The encouragement that you feel when connected to the Jade meaning will deliver the motivation you need to be self-sufficient, financially and in the love and happiness you form for yourself.


Using a jade roller also stimulates the meridian points of the face, which are energy lines that connect to our internal systems. When the jade gemstones come into contact with these energy centers, it energizes them by connecting these points to earth energy, something we aren't often able to do. When you use a jade roller on your face, it will raise the vibration of your skincare routine so you can glow from the inside out.

Along with infusing your skin with the energizing effects of jade and its healing properties, the jade roller helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by releasing tension in the face. In the same way that a massage helps muscles feel relaxed, the skin on your face can be relieved of tension after the massaging effects of a jade roller.


I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, cleansed with rainwater and misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).