Rainbow Obsidian Hearts
Rainbow Obsidian Hearts
Rainbow Obsidian Hearts

Start & Continue

Rainbow Obsidian Hearts

Sale price$28.00 USD


If you are drawn to a Rainbow Obsidian stone, there may be something your spirit is ready to let go of. This stone reminds you that it may hurt now, but you will make it through. Whether it is grief or heartbreak, let the rainbow obsidian meaning heal your heart chakra and help you move forward to a brighter tomorrow.


Rainbow obsidian energy connects to the heart chakra to help you remove toxic ties. There’s nothing quite like a loss or a break up to make you feel like you’re made of glass. Rainbow obsidian reminds you of your resilience, so that you can recognize all of the beauty and strength that remains, even after the experience you went through.

Helping to simply remove the negativity that is attached to the experience, rainbow obsidian allows you to look back with a clear mind. Instead of examining things through the lens of heartbreak, reflect with the energy of compassion and understanding that rainbow obsidian lends you. Once you’ve accepted the things that you can’t change, you can learn, grow and leave them in the past.


Place your heart stone over your heart for 11 minutes. See it absorbing any grief, sadness or pain, and then filling your heart with its rainbow energy.


I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, then before sending to you they are misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).