Rose Quartz Flame
Rose Quartz Flame

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Rose Quartz Flame

Sale price$89.99 USD


These beautiful rose quartz flames are ideal if you’re missing a loved one this season or are just in need of a good dose of heart healing. And let’s be honest, there is really no such thing as too much love in our lives. Love energy is always the answer. 

Working with crystal flames will help you access your lower chakras in meditation. Flame energy is all about helping you access something deeper, and opening something within that may not be accessible to you right now. 

You also can connect your rose quartz flames with your Heart Chakra energy. As the energy swirls and flows through this flame, twisting and turning in a Feminine form, it exits through the flame’s point. You are sending this energy out into the Universe, into the energy field. 



Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love, in all the many forms that may be. The perfect tool to direct loving energy into your spirit, this Rose Quartz Generator radiates pure love with a soft, feminine, nurturing, peaceful and gentle energy.

Rose Quartz is also known as The Heart Stone, it is strongly attached to both the heart chakra and the throat chakra.

This crystal is often used in helping the heart heal from the pain or trauma left from deep emotional wounds. Rose Quartz is also perfect for those who seek more love in their life… and this doesn’t just mean romantic love, it’s also about bringing forth greater self-love and compassion for both yourself and others. 



Hold your flame to your Heart Chakra when you meditate, and allow the medicine of rose quartz to flow into and through you. Don’t hold on to love, let it flow. 

These flame shapes are ideal to place on both sides of the bed on night stands. Having one on each side will help bring in the energy of balance loving feelings. Rose quartz is also good in the bathroom or where you get ready for the day. It's soothing energy helps you to be kind and loving to yourself. Place rose quartz flames on your altar or in your meditation room when you would like to bring in unconditional love to yourself and others. 



I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, cleansed with rainwater and misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).