Tektite - From Mexico
Tektite - From Mexico

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Tektite - From Mexico

Sale price$75.00 USD


Black Pearl of Fire resonates with your Solar Plexus Chakra and raises your personal energy. These tektites bring in creativity and manifestation, giving you increased confidence while raising your consciousness. They help to direct your own personal will so you can be in alignment with your true self, bringing happiness, positivity, and joy into your life. Bring your dreams into your reality and achieve a higher level of spirituality!


Tektite is a unique type of natural glass formed during ancient meteorite strikes on Earth. It’s a high silica based stone that reminds one of small gravel pebbles, which can vary in size of a few centimeters. They’re normally found in various shades of black, but can also be seen as dark brown and grey.

Tektites resonate at a very high frequency, enabling one to elevate their consciousness to new dimensional heights. One’s internal energy will immediately begin to raise upon touch, with your mind becoming a receptor of incoming knowledge from above. This information is being siphoned through our realm by dream work, deja vu experiences, daily synchronicities, and heightened cognitive & psychic abilities. The source of this knowledge is the angels above, our spirit guides, and our elestial protectors. These beings have been with us since birth, with others intersecting our life path along the way.


Their purpose is to help grow and direct your soul in the right direction, allowing you to explore the most heightened version of yourself. Through deep meditation, one is able to understand these signs and when to go about implementing the sudden change.


I cleanse and bless every crystal thoroughly for you, with the same care and routine that I use for my own personal crystals.

This includes the crystals being earthed on the ground and placed under the full moon, cleansed with rainwater and misted with authentic Florida Water (dating back to 1808, this ceremonial blend is sourced from Peru and famed for its use by shamans to purify and cleanse).